Youth Emotion Lab

In The News



A highlight on Jessica Keith, our PM-II Assistant Manager LINK





2023 George Mason University, ¨The George¨ September 14, 2023. ¨$500K NIH grant will focus on interventions for youth substance abuse¨ LINK






2023  George Mason University, September 12, 2023. ¨Dr. Chaplin Receives NIH Career Award¨ LINK




2023 NIH Office of Research, Training, Diversity, and Disparities Newsletter, August 10, 2023. NIDA Diversity Scholars Network Coach Spotlight – Dr. Tara Chaplin LINK





 2023 Apple Podcasts, June 5. Dr. Tara Chaplin on “40. Mindfulness and the Parental Brain” LINK







2022 George Mason University, October 12. “Doctoral student works to fill an important need in the Latinx community” LINK






2016 Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life, June 7, 2016. “Mindful Parents May Keep Kids Out of Trouble” (see image below) LINK






2014  GMU Newsdesk, December 4, 2014. “Discussions, Not Lectures, Steer Kids Away From Drugs, New Research Shows” LINK







2013  The Guardian UK, March 14, 2013. “How women experience stress: what the research tells us.” (see image below)  LINK






2013   Yale Scientific Magazine, March 31, 2013. “For children, gender differences in emotional expression depend on who’s watching.” (see image below) LINK





2013  Good Therapy.Org, December 26, 2012. “Do Boys and Girls Express Their Emotions Differently?” LINK






2010    NIH Women in Science Newsletter- Featured Junior Woman Scientist: Sass, S. (March, 2010). Women Scientists in Action- Tara M. Chaplin, Ph.D. NIH Updates on Women in Science, 3, 5-6. (see image below) LINK